Built entirely by volunteer efforts, fund-raisers, donations and private foundation grants, the Chiloquin Community Center was dedicated in June of 2004 as a “welcoming place for the whole community.” Now that goal has become a reality, and the Center is a core element of the Chiloquin community.
Chiloquin Visions in Progress (CVIP) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization formed in 1995. Late in 1999, the Chiloquin Branch Library and Two Rivers Village Arts (TRVA) were both experiencing growth pains. The need for more space had been apparent for some time. Together, the Friends of the Chiloquin Library, TRVA, and CVIP made grant applications for funds to build a building to house both endeavors, as well as provide community meeting rooms and office space for social services. Six lots in the center of Chiloquin were donated to CVIP as the building site.
The first library benefit yard sale was held in June, 1995 and earned a crucial $700 for library expenses. In 2000, the 6th annual sale grossed $4,700 which was contributed to the building fund. The sale was held at the Wells ranch and became a much-anticipated event in the community. With added food, music, entertainment, pony rides and crafts it was a yard-sale-PLUS and was greatly enjoyed by all. In February 2000, a local foundation offered a $200,000 2-year matching grant, and in April a fundraising effort with a goal of $125,000 got underway. An architect was hired and completed the schematic and cost estimates for a $1 million, 11,150 sq. ft. building.
$1.6 million was raised through contributions, fundraisers, and with major grants from 11 private foundations and in June, 2004 the Chiloquin Community Center opened its doors. Since then CVIP has sponsored and supported an ever-growing list of projects and programs, each dedicated to the growth and development of the Chiloquin community.
The Community Center is a busy place. It houses the Chiloquin Branch Library, the Two Rivers Gallery & Gift Shop, several offices, including the CVIP office, provides space for the Red Cross Bloodmobile. It also hosts public meetings and private events of all kinds. There are two spacious rooms available for rent by community members for public or private events.

Chiloquin Community Center lobby
The CVIP office at the Center is open from 10 AM to 2 PM Monday through Friday.
140 South 1st Ave.,
PO Box 204
email: [email protected]
visit the CVIP website for more information and room rental forms.