Klamath Wetlands Environmental & Research Institute
Dedicated to furthering the understanding of Klamath Basin wetlands and their functions through research and education.
Obtaining non-profit 501(c)3 status late in 2013, KWERI is the brain-child of Jim Litts. With only 20% of the original wetlands remaining, and several years of below-average rain/snow fall, the water situation, an already volatile subject in this part of the world, has become explosive. Over the years, more water has been allocated than actually exists now. Read about water history.
The quality of the water that is here has deteriorated along with the removal of the wetlands until it has become unsafe at certain times of the year. Blooms of blue-green algae in the too-warm, too-nutrient rich waters cause further fish die-offs and are hazardous to humans and animals alike that may drink or enter the water for a swim on a hot day. There has been a move towards buying up ranches that were established on the original wetlands and converting them back to wetlands, nature’s cleanup filters for water. The best practices for doing this though are still a new science. It is the intent of KWERI to contribute to the understanding of the restoration of wetlands through research, and to educate the general public in the value of the wetlands to the well-being of all the inhabitants of the area – humans, animals, fish, birds, reptiles, plants – even the algae. Everything benefits from a healthy, living wetland, but not everyone is aware of that yet.
visit the KWERI website
Wood River wetlands in early spring
read a Chiloquin News article on water read a Chiloquin News article on fens