
  • Carpet at the Chiloquin library

    Chiloquin Branch Library

    Chiloquin Branch Library…. The Chiloquin Library provides a collection of popular fiction, classics, nonfiction and reference books, large print books, magazines and the local newspapers. In addition to print books and periodicals we have audiobooks on CD’s and cassettes, music CDs, videotapes, and DVDs. We also provide: Our “Friends of the Chiloquin Library” meet on […]

  • Softball team at Chiloquin High School


    Schools… A one room school located near the jail, took care of the children’s educational needs until 1918, when the school expanded to two teachers. The children of the loggers were taught in a one room school that was moved from logging camp to logging camp by a tractor, pulling it on skids. In the […]

  • Chiloquin Open Door

    Medical Services – Chiloquin Open Door

    Medical Services…. Chiloquin Open Door Family Practice, a branch of Klamath Health Partnership. Chiloquin Open Door has two nurse practitioners who offer a wide array of family practice, women’s health, pediatric, urgent care and in-office surgical procedures for your convenience as a primary care home. As your primary care home we also handle referrals to specialists as needed and […]

  • Flying mozzies of all varieties

    Various Other Services

    Other services in Chiloquin:  US Post Office…   Notary Public…  Free Parking…   Farm and Craft Market…   Vector Control…   Transfer Station (AKA – the dump)… US Post Office… 228 1st Ave., Chiloquin, OR 97624 Phone: (541) 783-2745 Hours of Operation: •Monday thru Friday: – 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM •Saturday and Sunday: – Closed […]

  • Pelicans flying overhead

    Chiloquin Airport

    Chiloquin State Airport… The City of Chiloquin received permission from the state to establish the Chiloquin Airport in 1934. When the airport was completed in 1946 it was the 55th airport in the state. The airport was originally black-topped with ordinary asphalt that deteriorated, developing cracks and frost heaves that made it unsafe to use. […]

  • Chiloquin

    Community Services

    Community Services in Chiloquin come from the city, the county, the state and the federal government, but being as small as it is, there are some things that you won’t find in Chiloquin, like a city police force or a hospital emergency room, but you also won’t find lots of traffic or crowds of people. Here […]