Tag Archives: Chiloquin

  • One of the Facebook Groups for Chiloquin

    A Guide to Facebook Groups for Chiloquin

    More Facebook groups for Chiloquin are being added all the time, some of them well worth joining, others not so much. This post is to let you know about the groups I have found useful. For those who are not so familiar with Facebook, I’m writing about groups, not pages, the difference being that a page […]

  • Winter scene on Agency Lake, Chiloquin

    What a Winter!

    The coldest December since I’ve been here on the Wood river Canal; down to -25 F on a couple of nights and never above freezing for a couple of weeks, followed by the driest January imaginable, and very spring-like temperatures. Now in early February, it’s been raining instead of snowing. The Redwing Blackbirds are back, […]

  • Richard Johnson concert for Two Rivers Gallery, Chiloquin


    On Jan 24th Richard Johnson gave a benefit concert at the Chiloquin Community Center – a fundraiser for Two Rivers Gallery. Too bad if you missed it. It was a fun time. But anyway, here’s a teaser for next time – click the green button to see the video… Two Rivers Gallery thanks Richard mightily.